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Katedra Inżynierii Bioprocesowej, Mikro i Nanoinżynierii


Najważniejsze osiągnięcia naukowe

Trusek-Hołownia Anna, Lech Magdalena, Noworyta Andrzej, Protein enzymatic hydrolysis integrated with ultrafiltration: thermolysin application in obtaining peptides., Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, s. 1-8.

Labus. K., Drozd A., Trusek-Hołownia A., Preparation and characterisation of gelatine hydrogels predisposed to use as matrices for effective immobilisation of biocatalysts. Chemical Papers. 2016, vol. 70, nr 5, s. 523-530.

Radosinski Ł, Formalik F., Olejniczak A, Radosz A.,Diaphite, a new type of surface with mixed sp2-sp3 hybridization for adsorption and functionalization, Applied Surface Science, Volume 404, 15 May 2017, Pages 154–161

Radosiński Ł., Labus K., Walczak K., Olejniczak A., Formalik F., Acheremowicz M., Talma M., Multiscale modeling in biotechnology and nanoengineering: from experiment to simulations and back again. Wrocław 2016

Janczewski Łukasz, Trusek-Hołownia Anna, Biofilm-based membrane reactors – selected aspects of the application and microbial layer control, Desalination and water treatment Volume 57, 2016 - Issue 48-49

Lech Magdalena, Niesobska Anita, Trusek-Hołownia Anna, Dairy wastewater utilization: separation of whey proteins in membrane and chromatographic processes, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2015, s. 1-9.

Lech Magdalena, Trusek-Hołownia Anna, Biodegradation of whey waste in a continuous stirred-tank bioreactor, Environment Protection Engineering, 2015, vol. 41, nr 4, s. 97-107.

Zaslona, H.; Trusek-Holownia, A.; Radosinski, L.; Hennig, J. Optimization and kinetic characterization of recombinant 1,3-ß-glucanase production in Escherichia coli K-12 strain BL21/pETSD10 - a bioreactor scale study. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 2015, 61 (1), 36–43 DOI: 10.1111/lam.12419.

Trusek-Holownia, A.; Noworyta, A. Efficient utilisation of hydrogel preparations with encapsulated enzymes - A case study on catalase and hydrogen peroxide degradation. Biotechnol. Reports 2015, 6, 13–19 DOI: 10.1016/j.btre.2014.12.012.           

Modeling of low temperature adsorption of hydrogen in carbon nanopores Rogacka, J., Firlej, L., Kuchta, B. J Mol Model (2017) 23: 20. doi:10.1007/s00894-016-3202-y, IF 1.49.

Modeling of adsorption of CO2 in the deformed pores of Mil-53(Al) E. Dundar, N. Chanut, F. Formalik, P. Boulet, PL. Llewellyn, B. Kuchta Journal of Molecular Modeling 23 (101), IF 1.49.

Evolution of methane density during melting in nanopores E. Dundar, C. Wexler, L. Firlej, P. Llewellin, B. Kuchta Journal of molecular modeling 23 (2), 44, IF 1.49.

Strek, W., Cichy, B., Radosinski, L., Gluchowski, P., Marciniak, L., Lukaszewicz, M., Hreniak, D., Laser-induced white-light emission from graphene ceramics–opening a band gap in graphene, Light: Science and Application, Nature, 4, e237 (2015), doi:10.1038/lsa.2015.10, IF 13.6

Radosinski, L., Formalik, F., Olejniczak, A., Radosz, A., Diaphite, a new type of surface with mixed sp 2-sp 3 hybridization for adsorption and functionalization, Applied Surface Science 404, 154-161 (2017), IF 3.15

Olejniczak, A., Cichy B., Radosinski, L., Strek W., Light-induced confinement of electrons in stacked distorted graphene layers – (TD-)DFT study, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2017), accepted, IF 4.49.

Zgłoszenia patentowe:

Zgłosz. pat. nr P 411702 z 26.03.2015, Trusek-Hołownia Anna, Maniak Halina, „Sposób otrzymywania egzo-poligalakturonazy podczas prowadzenia hodowli pleśni Penicillium chrysogenum”.

Zgłosz. pat. nr P 414070 z 23.09.2015, Noworyta Andrzej, Trusek-Hołownia Anna, Dyrcz Krzysztof, „Sposób regulacji separacji membranowej w bioreaktorze membranowym oraz bioreaktor membranowym służący do realizacji tego sposobu”

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